Saturday, 24 January 2015

Training update - parkrun

Our parkrun selfie snapchat!
This morning I ran 5km in Durham with parkrun - if you haven't heard of parkrun take a look at their website here:
Essentially they're free, 5km timed runs, run by volunteers, at loads of locations around the world. They're great fun and I always try to go along at 9am on a Saturday morning when I don't have an OTC training weekend.
My time wasn't great today as I ended up doing two exercise classes (Extreme Core and Insanity) back to back last night, and now everything hurts! But it was a fab way to start the day and I'm feeling good now.
I always try to keep fit, both for my health, my happiness, and for OTC, but my upcoming expedition to the Himalayas is giving me even more motivation - a lack of fitness would massively impact my ability to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Ladakh, and I might as well make myself as fit as I can.
I've been doing lots of running (both intervals and long scenic runs), spinning, and exercise classes, like Extreme Core, Box Fitt and Insanity, as well as a few trips to CrossFit (find out more here: on the outskirts of Durham. I always try to drag other people along, but this morning it was my housemate Sophie who woke me up and got me on my bike!
More training updates to come..

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