This blog is to share information about my upcoming expedition to India, in July 2015, with the British Exploring Society (part of the Royal Geographical Society). The expedition will be to the Ladakh region of northern India, in the Himalayas.
My name is Anna, and firstly I'd like to thank you for visiting my blog! I'm currently trying to raise funds for this adventure, so I'd like to create an honest picture of what you're supporting and to get you involved in this journey. I'll also be posting about the training I'm doing, and after the expedition I'm sure there will be hundreds of photos!
This expedition will take me from my home in the South of England to the area around Leh, in the Indian Ladakh region of the Himalayas. I'll be on the Trainee Leader programme, so I'll also attend three training weekends over a nine month period prior to the expedition to India, where I'll continue my training as part of the wider British Exploring expedition. The expedition will be six weeks long, and I'll be going out as part of the advance party. I'll also have a de-brief/assessment weekend in the November after we've all returned to England.
The expedition will involve experiencing the unique culture in the remote and unspoilt region of India we'll be visiting, as well as scientific research at the third highest weather station in the world. We'll investigate the effects of climate change on the region, feeding data to the British Antarctic Survey. We'll also be trekking and climbing up to 6,000m and sleeping beside the Dalai Lama's palace!
Of course, exciting expeditions like this can't happen without financial arrangements. The expedition will cost around £3,700, excluding the cost of flights and kit, and the flight will be in the region of £1000. I've managed to raise £1000 so far, so I'm now aiming to raise the remaining £3,700 - no mean feat!
To raise money so far, I've been:
- working in London all summer as a consultant in a professional services firm (summer holiday sacrifice!)
- saving up all money earned through activities with the OTC (Officers' Training Corps) at university in Durham
- saving money on heating at uni and wearing five jumpers at once (actually that's probably the same as most students..)
- babysitting in my village at home
I'll keep posting on this blog with more information about the expedition and what I'm doing to fundraise.
Thanks for reading!